Projeto MATRIX, TPM em Almada (16 de abril de 2024)

Realizou-se no dia 16 de abril, em Almada (Portugal), uma Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) do Projeto MATRIX – STRATEGIC MAPPING OF YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT.

A EPPV foi representada pelo professor João Aguiar.

Nesta TPM, que contou com a participação de representantes dos 7 parceiros,  foi avaliado o processo de tradução do Work Package 4 – Matrix Skills, Training Units, bem como o desenvolvimento da plataforma do projeto e as atividades piloto a realizar quando a plataforma estiver concluída.

Foram ainda discutidos assuntos relativos ao Work Package 5 – Promotion, Exploitation and Scale Up e à gestão do projeto.

Os trabalhos decorreram, como normalmente acontece, com muita dinâmica e grande envolvimento de todos os participantes, num saudável espírito de entreajuda.

A Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) of the MATRIX – STRATEGIC MAPPING OF YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT project was held on 16 April in Almada (Portugal).

EPPV was represented by Professor João Aguiar.

This TPM, which was attended by representatives of the 7 partners, assessed the process of translating Work Package 4 – Matrix Skills, Training Units, as well as the development of the project platform and the pilot activities to be carried out when the platform is finalised.

Issues relating to Work Package 5 – Promotion, Exploitation and Scale Up and project management were also discussed.

The work was carried out, as is usually the case, with great dynamism and great involvement from all the participants, in a healthy spirit of mutual help.

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